India Trip and Rethinking Colors in Decor

Our trip to India was intense and an eye opener. I have never seen so much color used in all my life!

When I design Interiors I always use a very minimal palette when it comes to color. I like a soft monochromatic background, and when I add color I add it sparingly.

When in India, everyone uses color in their wardrobe to the max!. The smaller and poorer the villages the louder the color becomes. Many villages purposely dress in a particular color, with hot pink being the loudest.

I was so inspired to get on the “Color Train”, and found an incredible spot where fabrics and ornament was sold to all of the hot spots in the USA like ABC Carpet in NYC. When I entered, I knew I could have stayed there for…ever…and I think my husband saw the look on my face and he said…Nancy …like one hour…we are here to see the rest of Jaipur… I shopped every wall corner and floor sorting through all kinds of items.

The Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab.

The Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab.

Here are some of my most favorite color combinations.

Here are some of my most favorite color combinations.

Here are some of my most favorite color combinations.

Here are some of my most favorite color combinations.

From Hindu festivals to Tamil temples, India is home to many religions. What is most refreshing is that everyone meets at the Temples in lieu of Shopping Malls like in America!.

The Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab.


The Golden Temple appears to float on a “pool of holy nectar” There are over 20 million Sikhs in India, representing a small percentage of the 1.3 billion population!

The community kitchen, where volunteers prepare free food for 100,000 people each day. Vast cauldrons of Dahl and rice.

Here are some of my most favorite color combinations.

Here are some of my most favorite color combinations.


No I did not go in!

Dahl and Rice oh my!

Dahl and Rice oh my!

Feeling Blessed to have experienced this Holy place. Its a must!The colors of all the people is a delight to the eye. Sometimes I stay with a few colors in design…this is what you get when you use every color possible!

Feeling Blessed to have experienced this Holy place. Its a must!

The colors of all the people is a delight to the eye. Sometimes I stay with a few colors in design…this is what you get when you use every color possible!